Old Stables Corner is Under Threat - St. Simons Land Trust

Old Stables Corner is Under Threat

Old Stables Corner History

Few places are more emblematic of the character and charm of St. Simons Island than this corner grove of magnificent live oak trees at the intersection of Frederica and Sea Island roads.

St. Simons natives, as well as those who have vacationed on the island for years, have fond memories of their children, grandchildren, or themselves heaving well-worn leather saddles onto the backs of beloved horses, taking riding lessons here, or meandering on horseback from the barn along Sea Island Road and then galloping through the surf on Sea Island’s beach. It would have been a great loss to the community to lose this landmark corner to commercial development, but thanks to so many, it is preserved in perpetuity.

The Campaign to Preserve the Old Stables Corner was announced on July 1, 2010 and completed on September 30. In fewer than 100 days more than 400 donors rallied to raise $2.67 million to purchase, enhance and maintain this property for the public to enjoy – forever.

Why is Old Stables Corner Under Threat?

Glynn County officials have informed Land Trust leadership of their plan to take a portion of the property in order to construct traffic lanes for a proposed roundabout. If implemented, the plan would result in the grading and paving of roughly ½ acre (22% of the total property) and the removal of trees, including numerous historic live oaks.

This forced taking of privately-owned property would be achieved through the exercise of the governmental power of eminent domain at a level that is unprecedented in this community. The Land Trust objects, both as a private property owner and as a citizen and steward of St. Simons Island. We recognize and appreciate that the County is working to address the legitimate issue of increased traffic on the island. We do not believe, however, that the currently proposed plan strikes the right balance for today or for posterity.

THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY. We call on our donors, partners, supporters, and the public at large to get informed, get involved, and make their voices heard.


Below are some ways that you and others can support the Land Trust’s efforts to protect Old Stables Corner. As we learn more, and we have other ways to enlist the community’s help, we will let you know. Thank you!


  1. Make Your Voices Heard
    • Write letters to the editor in the local newspaper.
    • Speak out at public meetings.
    • Contact Glynn County Commissioners – Reach out to those representing St. Simons Island and property owners on the island.
  2. Sign the Petition – Join the effort led by the Ole Sea Island Stables Facebook group to voice community concerns.
  3. Support the Land Trust’s Mission – Become a new member, upgrade your existing membership, or Contribute Directly to Protecting Old Stables Corner with funds that will help the Land Trust secure certified arborists and those with expertise in legal, eminent domain, and land evaluation matters.
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