Legacy Society - St. Simons Land Trust



Thousands of us who feel privileged to live, work, and vacation on St. Simons Island have supported efforts to protect coastal Georgia’s greatest assets—its history, culture, and environment—in short, its land—land that would have been destroyed by high-density development if not protected by the St. Simons Land Trust.

Many of these same people are also part of a growing group of legacy donors, who are ensuring that the privilege of enjoying this extraordinary land is available for future generations. They are members of The Legacy Society – individuals and families who have included the St. Simons Land Trust in their estate plans.

Below is some basic information about the different kinds of bequests that are made to nonprofit organizations such as the Land Trust.  We will always try to provide our supporters with the most accurate and up to date information about making bequests.  However, we also always suggest that donors contact their accountant, lawyer, or other planned giving professionals such as wealth managers to make certain that their valuable assets are distributed as they intend.


Specific: A specific bequest involves making a gift of financial assets such as cash, stocks or bonds, real estate or other assets to the Land Trust.

Residual: A residual bequest is made from the balance of an estate after all specific gifts have been dispersed. For example, a percentage, a specific amount, or the remainder of the estate may be designated for the Land Trust after other obligations have been fulfilled.

Percentage: Another kind of bequest involves leaving a specified percentage of your overall estate to charity. For example, you may wish to leave 10% of your estate to the Land Trust.

Contingent: A contingent bequest is made only if the purpose of the primary bequest cannot be met. For example, you could leave real property, such as a vacation home, to a relative, but the contingent bequest language would state that if the relative is not alive at the time of your death, the property will go to the Land Trust.


  • You enhance the investment you’ve already made to the community and to the Land Trust.
  • You leave a legacy that will positively impact future generations.
  • You lessen the burden of taxes on your loved ones.
  • You may receive significant estate tax savings.


IT’S SIMPLE. You can include basic language in your estate plan that specifies the St. Simons Land Trust as a beneficiary of:

  • IRA accounts
  • Retirement plans
  • Life insurance policies
  • Marketable securities
  • Real property

Examples of language:

Unrestricted Bequest

I give and bequeth to St. Simons Land Trust, a non-profit organization (Tax ID # 58-2598986), with a principal business address of P.O. Box 24615, St. Simons Island, GA, 31522, the sum of _____ dollars ($___) – OR – ___% of my residuary estate – OR ___% of my IRA account (or other account) as an unrestricted bequest to be used as the leadership of the organization deems to be the highest, current priorities.

Restricted Bequest

I give and bequeth to St. Simons Land Trust, a non-profit organization (Tax ID # 58-2598986), with a principal business address of P.O. Box 24615, St. Simons Island, GA 31522, the sum of _____ dollars ($___) – OR – ___% of my residuary estate – OR ___% of my IRA account (or other account) as a restricted bequest to support _________________ (e.g, education, conservation, recreation, historic preservation, developing a “war chest” for land acquisitions, purchase of a specific property).

Planned Giving creates a powerful legacy beyond your lifetime. It amplifies the impact of investments you’ve already made in the community, sustains the St. Simons Land Trust’s mission, and helps to preserve and protect St. Simons Island. Forever.



If you have questions about how to make a bequest to the St. Simons Land Trust, or if you would like us to work with you and your advisors on crafting basic bequest language and identifying ways to meet your estate planning goals, please contact Emily Ellison at: (912) 638-9109 or [email protected].

If you have already included the Land Trust in your estate plans, please let us know so that we can appropriately recognize your legacy gift. Thank You.

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